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Park Shrimp Description

The Park Shrimp salmon fly is a fairly recent invention by Ross Macdonald. It takes its name from the famous “Park” beat of the Aberdeenshire Dee, but the Park Shrimp has also been responsible for many fish in Ireland over the last few seasons.


Park Shrimp Pattern

Hook: Esmond Drury
Thread: Black
Tag: Oval Gold tinsel
Tail: Orange Arctic runner (tied short) with a couple of strands of Orange micro flash. Longer bunch of Yellow arctic runner with a few strands of Gold Angel Hair, and finally a short bunch of Orange Arctic runner.
Rear Body: Gold lite brite
Mid Hackle: MidHackle
Front Body: Black seal’s fur
Front Body Rib: Pearl tinsel
Wings: Gold angel hair with Black fox over, with Jungle cock.
Front Hackle: Orange badger over Yellow cock saddle
Head: Red


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