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River Bonet Guide

The River Bonet rises in Glenade Lough, and flows in a semi circle through Manorhamilton, and the ancient village of Dromahair, on its way into Lough Gill. From Lough Gill into Sligo bay is known as the River Garavogue.

Strangely this River is not that well known in Irish Salmon fishing circles, but nonetheless it is a very good spring, summer and autumn fishery. Spring Salmon run from mid-March through to May. The Grilse arrive in late June and give great sport right through to the beginning of August, when the autumn fish take over through until the end of September.

River Bonet Tree Lined
Typical tree lined strech of the River Bonet.
The Bonet doesn’t get a great run of Sea Trout, but there are plenty of good resident Brown Trout to tackle when the water isn’t right for Salmon. The fishing is divided up into 6 different stretches.

Manorhamilton Angling Club

The club waters start about a mile below Glenade Lough, and extend downstream until just below Gortgarrigan Bridge, which is on a little road off the R280, 4 miles south of Manorhamilton. Its mostly double bank fishing but there are a few stretches of single bank.

The fishery is well maintained with easy access and plenty of stiles and footbridges. There is water suitable for the flies and for bait. The brown trout fishing is also good on this water especially from about 2 miles downstream from Glenade Lough to Gortinar, and the water just West of Manorhamilton, from Lurganboy down to Land Commission bridge (just below the confluence with the Shanvaus River).

River Bonet Gortgarrigan Bridge
Gortgarrigan Bridge on the Bonet.

Dromahair Lodge Fishery

The Lodge has almost 9 miles of fishing, starting at the end of the Manorhamilton Angling Club water and running down to Dromahair. The fishing is similar to the club waters but is perhaps an even better spring fishery, during March and April.

This is a private fishery but if you’re staying at the Dromahair Lodge or the Breffni Holiday Cottages, Dromahair, then you can fish it for free.

River Bonet Breffini Cottages
River Bonet at the Breffini Cottages.

Stanford’s Inn

The Inn at Dromahair has 3/4 mile of double-bank fishing. This stretch is arguably the best on the river for Salmon, with three top notch pools. The best of these is the Island pool, which always produces good numbers of fish each year.

Dromahair Angling Club

The club has ½ mile at Drumalease Glebe House, which is about a mile or so upstream of Dromahair.

Syndicate Water

This water is downstream of Dromahair and covers about 1 ½ miles. It is private and is not let to the public.

River Bonet between Dromahair and Lough Gill
The Bonet between Dromahair and Lough Gill.

Sligo Angling Club

Sligo AC’s water is just upstream of Lough Gill. It’s pretty deep water, and not really productive for Salmon. At any rate, it’s not let to the public so it’s just mentioned here for completeness.

River Bonet Tributaries

River Owenmore (Manorhamilton)
River Shanvaus

River Bonet Neighbouring Rivers

River Ballisodare
River Drumcliff
River Feorish
River Grange
River Owenmore (Sligo)
River Owennayle
River Unshin


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